Names & Faces is an always up-to-date company directory and org chart that helps your team get to know each other, understand where everyone fits in, and easily get in touch when they need to.
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Names & Faces integrates directly with ADP Workforce Now® to create a fast, intuitive visual directory of everyone on the team.
With a live connection to ADP®, it surfaces existing information and transforms it into a powerful tool for everyone in the organisation, from the newest joiner to the CEO.
Names & Faces automatically generates an org chart that’s always up to date. Explore the structure of the company, see clear reporting lines, or browse through specific departments.
You’ll never be left guessing who someone is, what they look like or what they do. Names & Faces takes all of this information and displays it as detailed, individual profiles that are quick to access and easy to digest.
Names & Faces is not another messaging platform, but it does simplify reaching out to people when you need to.
Whether you’re contacting a specific person or an entire group of people, simply tap to call, send an email, or reach out through Slack or Microsoft Teams.
Names & Faces has powerful filter & search features that help you find specific team members, even when you don’t know their name or what they look like, giving you results in seconds.
See upcoming birthdays, work anniversaries or who’s recently joined the team with Smart Groups. These groups are always within easy reach and update automatically.
Knowing who people are starts with knowing what they look like. While Names & Faces automatically imports any photos stored in ADP, it also makes it easy to upload a new one.
Be it skills, nicknames, preferred pronouns or even hobbies, Names & Faces lets you add additional info to your profile that’s relevant to the structure and culture of the company.
Names & Faces follows SOC2 and GDPR best practices, with independent auditors carrying out regular penetration and security reviews on our systems.
Can individuals choose to hide certain fields of data?
Users have the option to hide their mobile number and birthday fields. The visibility of other fields are set by your admin.
Do users edit their profiles in Names & Faces?
A link on each user's profile takes them directly to ADP. This is where they update their primary data, keeping ADP as your primary data source and ensuring data flows only in one direction.
Which parts of the index are customizable?
Homepage categories, the information displayed on profiles and your logo and accent colors are the customizable elements.
Can non-ADP data be displayed in Names & Faces?
Yes, connect a Google Sheet or a CSV file to enrich your Names & Faces index or to add people to it who you'd like included but who may not exist in your ADP data. Microsoft Teams and Active Directory integrations are coming in Q3 of 2021.
How is user access controlled?
Users access is controlled centrally through ADP or your SSO provider. New employees added to ADP are automatically displayed in Names & Faces and granted access to the index. This synchronization takes place every 24 hours. In the same way, when an employee is terminated in ADP their profile no longer displays in Names & Faces and their access is automatically revoked within 24 hours.
Who can access Names & Faces?
Admins choose who should have access to their organization's Names & Faces. This may be all employees, limited employees or external users.
Where does the information in Names & Faces come from?
The primary data displayed in Names & Faces comes from ADP. This is the data labelled 'Primary fields' on the profile edit page. Updates to this information must be made in ADP and will flow through to Names & Faces within 24 hours. Your admin may also request 'Additional fields' which are managed in Names & Faces and editable on the profile edit page.
Can I use Names & Faces to contact my team?
Yes. From any profile simply tap the email address to open an email in your default email app or tap a phone number to make a call or send a text.